Perfect Form....

Saturday, May 30, 2009

And he's off............

To the field that is. To mow the hay. AGAIN.

This is our haybine. I think it's pretty funny looking. It steers from the back wheels. That has already resulted in guys doing donuts in the fields. The names of these guys are protected for the blogger's health, but maybe for a million dollars I could be persuaded. Or for a new Dodge Charger, no, maybe a 6-speed 1-ton Dodge diesel. Yeah, that would definately do it.

Please note, Jason never, ever did a 360 in the haybine, ever.

So the front of the haybine is the mower part, and mows the hay.

You don't want to get any body part trapped in there. When you are picking rocks out of the bottom of the mower part thingy (technical, you like that??) you must always, always remember to shut that part of the haybine down. ALWAYS.

Jason's uncle, years ago, was operating a corn picker. He neglected to shut down the picker part when something got stuck in it, and has four less fingers today. It started taking his fingers, and when his tendons were stretching, he took his pocket knife out and cut them off right then and there. If he wouldn't have, he would have lost his arm, and his life. Farm machinery is no joke. It's down right scary sometimes. Like just 10 minutes ago, my 21 yr. old asked me for a loan for a motorcycle. He's serious too, so serious he's hunting down his dad on the haybine.

Pray for me, please?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Crazy 8 part of the farm.....

These are the"8".
We were trying to get them to pose for Christmas cards that year. It must have been 4 or 5 years ago. That white thing was our ferret, Maverick.
So this is where we get the idea of being crazy. . . .
I guess we already had a foot in when we had 8 children. The other foot fell in when one of them got sick with a terminal disease. That's enough to put anyone in a straight jacket.
But when we bought the farm, well people were used to calling us a little nutz by then.
To tell you the truth, I'm getting scared. Jason is about to cut hay. We have soooo much more than last year. We have a new bailer too, which only means the guys will bail it faster than we can unload it.
It gets pretty hairy when Wade, my 14 yr. old starts taking off his shirt to the theme music from Madagascar. You know when the zoo animals meet King Julian?? Yeah, that music. It just goes down hill from there. We all start acting loopy after awhile. Which is okay until Jason and Jake show up and wonder why we're acting drunk.
They will never understand.