Just kidding. Meatballs?? Nah, but maybe chocolate covered almonds and hot fudge sundaes. Yes, that's better!! Now I'm hungry.
The children were playing "Operation". Not the normal one either. Shrek. You know, you can pull out his "toe jam", or his "ear wax", or my favorite, his "humongous fungus" for $500.00!!
They had a blast! Even Cheyenne got into it, and she got up at 3:30am to milk cows for the neighbor. Believe me it must not have been a pretty sight!Jacob's doing a pretty good job.
Cole takes removing body parts from Shrek very seroiusly.
Carter's turn. I think he won.
The little knuckle head.
Of course, he sits there and let's everyone know how he's going to win no matter what how hard they try. It's his psychological tactic. Don't laugh, it's pretty creepy to have this five yr. old sitting there putting hexes on you.
Now I'm leaving you to go find some ice cream and hot fudge.
No, I just remembered, the kids ate it all.
Okay, I'm going to find some choc. chips.