Perfect Form....

Monday, March 14, 2011

We have this farm truck............

For our truck's safety, I can't post any pictures.

Our hay truck is in a line-up.

It was accused of a hit and run by another person.

Oh dear, how will we ever tame our truck? I mean, it's old enough, it was born in 1986. We adopted it about 5 years ago. We love and cherish our truck, we even gave it a new flatbed.

This is how it treats us...........

We get a phone call from a police officer (who was not too nice at all) letting us know our truck was involved in a hit and run.

Our reaction......"what planet is he from?"

My dear husband calls him back and I hear him say "Sir, could you please tell me what this is about?".

The officer really didn't want to discuss it over the phone, telling my husband that he should know and he wants our truck at his barracks the next morning at nine a.m.


To make  long story short, we didn't take the truck in because he was threatening to press charges against us but not willing to let us know why.

When in doubt, always talk to the State Cop you sell hay to.

After we consulted with him, we politely called back and told them we wouldn't be bringing in our truck, besides, we had hay to load and auctions to go to.

-A mortgage to pay...
-Groceries to buy...
-Fuel to purchase...
-Shoes to put on the children's bare feet because they outgrew their boots.

You get the picture? This truck plays a big part in helping us make a living. If we can't sell the hay, we can't pay for anything. Which means, we will have to sell the farm, and live out of our Kia for the rest of our lives. Wait, we can't even all fit in the Kia together. {{{{shutter}}}}

A day after we were supposed to take our truck in, a State Cop showed up at our house. She was the nicest person. We talked for awhile. She wanted to check out our truck for signs of damage that would put it at fault for "scratching " this person's car.

Guess what?  The truck was at the auction.

We called her when the truck came home for her to inspect. She came, she inspected, she pet the deer and took pictures of him, and left.

Think it's over?? You know better than that.

About 6:00p.m. on the same day, another officer showed up, this time from the original barracks that was accusing us of the hit and run.  He never got the earlier cop's report, so he decided to come check it out for himself.

He checked, he took pictures, he pet the deer, he took pictures of the deer, he told us what nice people we are and he couldn't see anything on our truck lining up with the damage of the accusing vehicle.

He left, and we haven't heard anything since.

I'm hoping it's over, but the one lesson I learned from this is.........

It's always good to have a pet deer on your farm when police officers visit!
Love, Me

P.S. Tune in tomorrow to see how our truck is turning over to the dark side..........It's become a cop magnet lately!!

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