Okay, time to work!! (GROAN)
Halfway through the load, one of the paddles broke on the elevator. Just when I think the little guys and I can handle at least one load of hay on our own, I'm proven wrong and I have to call the husband. UGH!
We are a little bit crazy. We have 8 children. We own a farm. We get by on prayer and grace. We owe it all to God. Without Him we would be nothing and we strive to remember.
Okay, time to work!! (GROAN)
Halfway through the load, one of the paddles broke on the elevator. Just when I think the little guys and I can handle at least one load of hay on our own, I'm proven wrong and I have to call the husband. UGH!
Knobels is a camping/amusement park.
Quin is 9, and Carter is 5, so I wasn't sure how this was going to pan out, but my daughter babysit's for Carolee 2 days a week so the kids are used to each other.
Carter is a nut. As you can see, he's holding his ice cream on his head. He left it up there until he got a brain freeze from the outside - in. He's so adorable, just look at that face, don't you just want to pinch his cheeks?? Don't try it, he morphs into a monster if you do. Trust me. I really miss my pinky finger.
Carter is a thrill ride junkee. For his small nature, you wouldn't think so, but when your small, I think your brain has no fear of height what so ever. Quin on the other hand, has fear, trust me, alot of fear. You should have seen his face on the sea dragon in Delaware. He was sitting next to me, and I couldn't tell whether he was going to poop his pants or throw up his dinner. He just had this look on his face that said, "Get me out of here, and when I live through this, I want another mother"!!
After, about 3 times on the log flume, Quin was on board. He was the coolest, just look at that face, he's saying, "No problem, bring it on". Oh yeah, he was becoming a pro.
But mom on the other hand was well, you could say I'm not entirely afraid of heights, I'm just afraid of, well not even afraid, I'm just a bit weary of things that are up really high.
Yeah, that's it.
Like this big old ride for instance, can you tell how high up we were??
Pretty high, mmmm hmmmm. I was okay, really I was. Until I started remembering that movie, what was it called?? Oh, yeah, Final Destination 3. Don't watch it and go to an amusement park.
I was really having a Final Destination moment right here.