You run your water, you sit on the toilet, you remember to NOT flush before you get in, or else you will do a little dance in the hot water??
Then you step in the shower. Right?
You still with me??
Good, I thought I lost you back at the toilet!
So anyway, you're about to step in the shower, and your cell phone rings.
Yes, I take mine with me, if I didn't the kids would answer my phone and barge in the bathroom to give it to me.
Trust me that's never good.
Its my husband.
He always says "What are you doing??"
One of these days, I'm actually going to be able to tell him I'm just finishing up the kitchen floor, or my very last load of laundry, or I just got done lifting weights.
But in this case I was poised over the tub, just about to get in the shower with thoughts of coffee swirling around in my head.
So of course to his reply, I say "nothing, why?"
He says "oh good, come over to Belnap's and pick me up".
My answer-"I'll be right over."
Yeah right.
As soon as I get my pj's back on!!
I pick him up, bring him home to get some doohicky to fix the tractor or corn planter, and I run back into the house hoping to get my shower.
"Not today Zurg"
Remember that line?? I love that movie!!
My husband decided I needed to come with him.
We get to the field and he shows me how our corn is coming up already.

Sorry about my freaky chubby finger, but this is our corn!!
So now I'm confused. "If you already have corn planted here, what are you doing with that tractor (sexy red tractor) planting corn again?" I ask.
Long story short, the corn planter broke last week while planting this field and now it's fixed so it's time to finish it. Carefully that is!
I was just there in case something broke again.
He only had to up and down the field a couple mire times anyway.
Okay so this is my view...

Not bad.
There he goes..


Here I am

Sitting on the back of my truck, still in my pj's, wearing crocks soaking up the sunshine, praying there's no one out there with a telescopic lens.

He's still going...

Now my feet are up...

He's pretty much gone.
So I'm wondering why there always seems to be like one tree in the middle of a field.

Hmmmm?? Any takers?
I have no idea.
He's coming back!


And now he's turning around......

And he's off again!

Ugh the bugs are starting to figure out I didn't shower yet!!
Ohhhh he's back and he stops?? He gets off...

Lost another doohicky !!!
But it's all good.
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